Tooling Specialist Derksen is a well-known and renowned supplier of precision mechanical parts and tools. We aim at the top segment of the international grinding- and toolmakers- world. Big multinational companies as well as local enterprises are amongst our customers.
The 3 main drivers that guarantee our quality to the customer are: Attention, Technology and Insight.
Our employees are our greatest asset. They enable us to deliver the quality that you expect from us. The advanced machines we have are the tools, the experience and knowledge of our people make the real difference. As a recognized training company we educate the professionals of the future with a lot of dedication.
The products we make will mostly go through a series of part operations. Our specialists work as a team to ensure that every operation in the production chain is executed with grate care and that the final product is perfect.
Attention for perfection, attention for the technical aspects and attention for our employees takes care of the highest standard that enables us to meet your requirements. Every day.
The market for precision mechanical parts is constantly moving. New materials, new techniques, new machines and new applications. Those are our daily challenges. T.S.D. is a frontrunner in the business and invests in machines, software and people to continuously stay up to date.
Our resolving power is something we’re proud of. The most complex projects are our biggest challenges. That is where technical insight, experience and creativity makes the difference. With 3D engineering we develop tools that meet the highest requirements. Also the knowledge of our own machine park enables us to get more out of the machines then the specifications they come with. Another proof of quality.